
3 Things to Avoid Putting In Your Pipes

The last thing you want to see in your home is a clogged system. You need a functional plumbing system to ensure a safe and clean water supply throughout your home. When the pipes are clogged, water flow is disrupted, leading to wastewater and sewage buildup in your home. To make sure your pipes are functioning as they should, there are several things you must not put in there. These include:

1. Cat Litter

Even if kitty litter may contain the word “flushable,” don’t flush it down your drains. Cat litter is notorious for clogging drains and toilets, causing serious problems in your pipes. Besides, the pungent litter can pick up bacteria from your kitty’s poop. This bacteria can easily find its way into the water supply since it’s resistant to water treatment chemicals. As a result, the threat to wildlife is real. Luckily, a septic service can get you out of this bind.

2. Oils, Grease, and Fat

Never flush stuff like frying oil, meat fat, or bacon grease down the drain. Most of your kitchen plumbing nightmares can be traced to these substances. The problem is that they act as the glue that binds other materials that find their way into the pipes, creating sizeable sticky globs that gradually cover the lining of your pipes. To get rid of these substances and make sure they don’t clog your drains, remove the oils, fats, and grease from all cutlery and dispose of them in the appropriate disposal bin, and if this doesn’t work, contact your local septic service.

3. Household Fluids

Car fluids and household cleaners should not enter your pipes. Although they don’t cause clogs, they may contain harmful chemicals that find their way into your water supply system. If you wash them down your drains, they’ll join your home’s water supply system. To establish how to dispose of these fluids properly, contact your local authorities or the local auto parts store for guidelines, or call your nearest septic service. Instead of using toxic cleaners to keep your home clean, choose all-natural cleaners.

One of the most used fixtures in the home is the toilet, which uses lots of toilet paper. You can, however, avoid using toilet paper by fixing smart toilets, which have an edge over conventional ones in terms of hygiene. Since they are operated touch-free, they use less water, have less bathroom space, are adaptable, and support reduced mobility. According to OneDesk, in 2019, the most in-demand bathroom fixture was the smart toilet. Call us at Professional Plumbing Solutions today to ask about how we can help your pipes and plumbing.

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